Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fwd: Ginza --Japan's Rodeo Drive

Sent from my iPhone. 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Chuck Brandt <azbrandt@mac.com>
Date: August 25, 2008 10:19:51 PM PDT
To: "azbrama.luke@blogger.com" <azbrama.luke@blogger.com>, Eric and Beth Brandt <bethbrandt@hotmail.com>, Barbara and Steffen Catron <hbcatrons@mac.com>, "brazen_cyclework@gmail.com" <brazen_cyclework@gmail.com>
Subject: Fwd: Ginza --Japan's Rodeo Drive

Sent from my iPhone. 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Chuck Brandt <azbrandt@mac.com>
Date: August 25, 2008 10:10:44 PM PDT
To: "azbrama.luke@blogger.com" <azbrama.luke@blogger.com>
Subject: Ginza --Japan's Rodeo Drive

Bright lights and neon signs, chaffered cars and every high end shops. Fun to walk the walk.  We found the Apple store but our pics still didn't go. Today found us getting a subway to Asamusa Temple. Also covered shopping, rickshaw drivers and torii gates.  We covered ourselves in incense smoke--the wind shifted and Jess and Shelby got more their share of smoke. Judi
Sent from my iPhone.

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